Tose’e Sepahan Investment Company

Faith and trust in god’s grace, development aspirations of Islamic Republic of Iran and sensation entrepreneurial zeal, high building and bring honor of Sepahan Development Investment Company was founded by its founder, “Mr. Mahmoud Fazili Nezhad” in the year 1996 on the Isfahan civilization maker history development glory city.
Now this large family prides itself which it has been pioneered the development of private sector participation in industrial growth, economic development and job creation and with organizing their activities in groups of civil engineering, business and industry, in addition to national role playing with attending around the world, keeps track it's goals at the international level.
Undoubtedly relying on faith and ideals, in synergistic with increasingly capital of effort, knowledge and expertise of a large group of customers, employees, contractors, investors, executives and their loyal staff, will excel us in fulfillment of social responsibilities, leading to high goals.

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